Tuesday, March 29, 2011


If you follow me anywhere online you'll soon see that our crazy moose of a dog is a frequent subject of my conversations and my scrapping. This was one of the first digi-scrap layouts that I ever made, back in August of 2010. There are things I might do differently now that I have a better handle on it, but it still just makes me laugh!

Digitals - 'No Bones About' It kit; Cottage Arts - 'Destination' alpha set;Font - Tempus Sans ITC

Monday, March 28, 2011

Welcome to Scraps and Snaps!

I think a new layout featuring our first grandchild is the perfect way to inaugurate my new blog! Scraps and Snaps will be a place for me to upload my layouts and photos. I use products from quite a few different sites, but I rarely mix them. I'll try and tag my posts with references, but this could change at any time. :)

First up? "Beautiful Little Miracle"